Monday, October 31, 2005

How to Use Your Time Properly For School; Another Essay by Matthew,

*This will teach you how to use your time wisely. 7th Grade can be a silent killer for the unexpecting! Just like 6th Grade except trouble is a lot more obvious. Just like my last guide I will break this into parts. *NOTE: This is based on MY school.

I: Introduction/Thesis
II: Math
III: Science
IV: English / Language Arts
V: Geography / Social Studies
VI: Part 2 ~ Getting Caught Up
VII: Planning Ahead
VIII: Cheats ~ Codes, Tricks, Glitches, and Guides.
XI: Temptation
X: Conclusion
XI: Credits


What to know: Math in 7th Grade can be tough. It is full of vast and endless numbers. The work seems endless!

Advice: No matter what always keep hacking away at it. You will eventually finish that 80 problem worksheet filled with problems you’ve never seen before, or that hard 30 problem assignment due in less than an hour after you get it with even less time to work on it! Always have a good reference. If you have an Accelerated Math assignment (Like Me [Also known as that 30 problem assignment mentioned above]) it is smart to write down the problems you get wrong and the correct answer for future reference!

AM (Accelerated Math): This can be a real pain. If you get behind one of these it takes quadruple the effort to get back to being caught up! See “Getting Caught Up” for advice!


What to Know: Science is pretty laid back at my school for the most part. It has its hard and easy parts.

Advice: WATCH OUT FOR CELLS AND HERDITARY SECTIONS! These can be really annoying. Outlines are really, really, hard sometimes when combined with questions and four chapters! Always try to do your best and stay caught up! Do this and you should be fine! You can easily fall behind when you’re not careful, so do your best. Watch out for big projects as you may think you have all the time in the world… until the last day.

Projects: These can be a pain so all you have to do is plan! Make sure you do a certain amount each day to get it done. Don’t be lazy and wait to the last day. Don’t hurry or you’ll miss ideas you might get. Don’t be a procrastinator and put it off. You may think in your head. “Yawn” I don’t have all of my stuff yet just 90%. I’ll do it tomorrow.

English / Language Arts

What to Know: Um, the name says it all! It’s English. You write reports and study and read books to study and do reports on!

Advice: Watch out for essays! You may think you’re the best typer in the world, but don’t put off work until the last minute. you may want to work on your typing skills too in this class too. It helps. This class can be pretty laid back as well.

Essays: Watch out sometimes these or book reports can be dangerous. Just have good spelling and grammar and usage and punctuation and sight and hearing and typing skills and blah blah!

Geography / Social Studies

What to Know: In Geography you can end up behind because you just sit and barely show any enthusiasm. You should be asking questions coming up with news stories and drawing political cartoons to gain extra credit. This is a class of maps, history, and political views. Sort of like debate class, eh?

Advice: In my class cartoons get you extra credit so bring them and draw them! Do that and pay attention by the bags of gold! $.$
That should get you a nice participation and EX credit bonus. On top of that you should ace the tests! STUDY!!!! Studying is good!

Getting Caught Up

To get caught up is not an easy thing! It takes a lot of patience and even more effort! It’s not a very fun thing either! You should work at it without stopping and try to get a lot of rest for your body.
If you don’t you may eventually fall asleep on your homework and wake to find it drenched with drool! You should always put in a lot of effort not to get to this stage because it’s sort of like going through bankruptcy. You can’t get out of it easily, a lot of people are mad, and you crash and burn.

Planning Ahead

To be short and simple: Eat healthy, sleep well, put in your best effort, and always stay on top. This should keep you from being overwhelmed and let you stay on top while being fit and healthy. This may seem nerdy now, but wait until you’re 42… that jock over there will be an employee at some small restaurant and you’ll be his smart, kind boss who still remembers the guy who made his life miserable… :.: Always stay on top and never fall behind should be your motto.

Cheats ~ Codes, Tricks, Glitches, and Guides

GOTCHA! Yeah! I bet you turned here first just to see if I wasn’t talking nonsense. The cold hard truth is that there is no easy way out! Yes! That’s right ha ha ha!


NEVER put something off that isn’t do for a day! This leads to the “bankruptcy” of your report card!


All in all. To summarize this entire essay! You should plan ahead, stay caught up, put in your best effort, and stay healthy!


Thanks to my dad AKA “The OverSeer”! For the idea!

This essay is ©Copyright Matthew R. October 30, 2005.
If you are going to reproduce this in any way! (Quotes included) You MUST give me credit or we’ll have a nice little chat about laws… Also, If I see this on a pay site I will be ticked…
As you can see from the above, Matt was given a little corrective assignment to help inspire him to turn in his Science assignments. Seventh grade is tough, but hopefully, this will help him focus his time better.
The Overeer

Sunday, October 30, 2005

My Mother In Law's Western Art

Joan Mason
An awesome Western Artist. These are a Baker's Dozen of some of her thousand or so paintings that she has painted.
Enjoy these paintings, and check out her website.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

4H, A Boys and Girls Club with Animals: The Hidden Treasure of America

Matt and his Grand Champion "Pavlova"

As the title suggests, 4H has to be among one of the greatest unknown treasures of American life. My 3 kids, though not always willing, have blossomed, borne fruit and grown under the tutelage of this program. In one word it is "Awesome". Kids, any kids can get into it and it becomes the foundation for a lot of learning, and life skills, as the children develop into accomplished individuals in a whole array of programs. My kids have initiated themselves into the artisans of swine showmanship, learning the fine art of manure shovelling to manipulating a 200 pound plus pig around a ring with 7-10 other 200 pound plus pigs. The money though not realistic, and often excessive, has given them incentive, as it does us all. Are we always willing to work for nothing? Isn't there a goal that drives us all?

Shannon and her 1st prize cake

Our pigs

Coupled with good money management, paying back expenses and making a mandatory 10% giving clause, which quickly becomes enthusiastically voluntary, when they choose their own charity, the 4H program has given us parents a well rehearsed and structured format to prepare our kids for the 21st century, plus remind them the value of the previous ones. So contact your local State Extension Office. You all have one, and find out where the closest one is to you. Even you city folks can have a rabbit or a dog, or maybe a guinea pig or three. Go to for more info.



The Jenson Brothers, fellow Garden Wall Club Members

Matt "presenting" himself and his pig in perfect fashion.

Emily, with eyes on the judge while manipulating her pig. She got a purple for showmanship.

Shannon, working her pig towards the judge.

Heidi and the kids, having fun while waiting for the results

Washing the pigs before the judging starts

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

How TO Treat Others. A memory blank by Emily R. *twitch* *twitch*, and our Japanese Anime Family

Raising Kids isn't easy, but it has it fun moments, especially in ten years I can bring up old photos and essays like this. Emily, you did good. Maybe you could be a little more remorseful, but you hit the main points. I've added some Anime pics that Emily put together to represent our family

How TO Treat Others.
I could tell you how to treat other in a short and simple way of maybe one or two sentences. WELL, TOO BAD! You get to sit and listen to me drone! Being nice to others is boring but the right thing to do. And to be nice to others you must have manners. Like saying please and thank you, paying attention to someone talking, and good table manners... well maybe not the table manners so much. ^-^. We should get along because we have to and because it is the right thing to do. Like when you live in a house with really annoying people the best thing is to be polite even if they’re not. We would
Usually just like to attack the people and say we “snapped” but that is we I said “we should” not “we do”. Now I’ll show you examples:

Ex1: Your roommates are really loud and play their music all night long.
What we want to do: Break their CD player.
What we should do: Calmly ask them to turn it down.
Like I said, BORING! The breaking would be so much Fun! But noooooo. We have to be nice!

Ex2: Your sister calls you fat.
What we want to do: Call her fat and laugh about it with a friend.
What we should do: Tell mom so she gets in trouble for making you feel bad... Just kidding.*cough* *cough* Tell her not to say that.

Everyone has a different way of dealing with problems. My sister does two things, Cry to mom or yell and hit. My brother, Get mad and yell. Me, I just have passive resistance. That means I’m a lump that won’t move. Lucky me. But none of these things are good we should just work the problem out with...w...I can’t say it...t... taking. Which no one wants to do. Thus we fight and drive our mother crazy. Like one time my sister, Shannon, came into the room and demand I draw a picture for her. Naturally, I said no. I’m not a walking mall cartoonist. But I said it calmly and quietly. Then she gets mad. She asks me over and over again with the same answer. No. She slams doors and threatens to delete my entire picture. While this is happening, I’m getting madder and madder. Finally I went to mom. She wasn’t happy. So going to your mother isn’t

the best thing either. Now another you need to know is that
Telling you dad is a one way ticket to a half an hour lecture on behavior. Seriously. And your parents never come up with different lectures. Once dad was telling me about the “Triangle” The one with God at the top and you are your partner at the bottom. Ya? Well I heard mom telling Shannon the EXACT same thing. Is it like, programmed, into them? Maybe. Anyway, this now finishes my 500 word essay. Thank you. Ok, this is 509 words.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Digital Art

Digital Photography is an involved and evolving art form, hard to duplicate and harder to teach. How can you teach luck and circumstance? Colors colliding then chancing upon the surprise combination. A rainbow of thought and patterns. These are some of my favorites

Behavior: Shannon Un-Edited, 10 Years Old

Behavior is what you’re doing. There is good behavior and bad behavior. This essay is going to is going to show you why it’s better to have good behavior then it is to have bad behavior Bad behavior means you always do something to get in trouble with your parents, the police, or every body else. Good behavior means you know how to get along. It means you know how to not get into everyone’s business. If everyone had good behavior instead of bad behavior the world would have no crime, but we all know that Adam and Eve ate the cursed fruit and gave our world sin. Still if we have good behavior most of the time we can still make our house a nice place to live in. God gave people the choice to have good behavior or bad behavior. I hope you have good behavior too. One time I was offered a chance to visit my friend and my mom said no. I didn’t except no for an answer. What I should have done is to forget about the offer and walk away. Another time I asked my sister for a drawing, when she said no, I got mad. I really annoyed my sister and I got in trouble. What I should have done was to walk away. Now I know that what I did was bad behavior. Here are some examples of good behavior. Once I opened the door to the church for grandma without being asked. At an outdoor picnic I gave some lemonade to a guy in a wheelchair and another guy there said I was very polite. At another potluck the missionary thought I acted like a fourteen year old. To get this coming I let the missionary go in front of me. I let the missionary have the seat I was going to sit in. I even pulled out his chair. Another time I washed the dishes for mom. One time I vacuumed with out being asked. I have done examples of bad behavior and examples of good behavior.

Now I am talking about mistakes other people might make. What if one person smoked. That’s a mistake that can change your live. A person con get lung cancer and you would get poor really fast because cigarettes are money wasters. What if another person drunk. That’s also a mistake that can change your life. You can get drunken drinking alcohol. There is also gang fights. This is also a life changer. Lots of people make these mistakes and there probably different now that it’s over. These people probably didn’t know god when these things happened to them or they still don’t know god. Dad I always pray for people like this. I also pray that I will not make the same mistake. I pray that no one in our family will ever drink or smoke not Emily, Matt, Me, Mom, or you, Amen. Dad can you pray this prayer before your normal prayer every night before you come home. That way god will make sure we will never make those mistakes. Hopefully are lives will be long happy ones. And the prayers you and I pray will tell god we need his help making are lives long and happy. If were lucky my wish will come true.
Shannon! You Rock! This is a great effort, and very You.
SSG Daddy

Sunday, October 23, 2005

How To Behave, And What Ticks Parents Off. An Essay by Matthew

Recently, as in this morning, my three kids had a little squabble about getting along and being mean to eachother. This was the resolution, after they got a friendly "Come to Jesus" talk from their parents. Very well written Matt, you have talent.

How to Behave: By Matthew David Rohrlach

Okay listen up if you want to know this interesting bit of info!
I’ll break this essay up into three parts:
1) How to Behave
2) What Ticks Parents Off
3) Thousand Word Credits (Just Kidding)
This is my Table of Contents. If you wish to find an item quicker use Ctrl+F,
Then select the item of interest you would like to view.

How to Behave

If you want to behave properly without getting in trouble you need some simple requirements: Knowledge of Good and Evil, Self-Control,
And the rare ability known to many, but given to few called common sense.
The most important one used here is Knowledge of Good and Evil. When used with self-control you can be a sweet little angel or a nasty little devil (Speaking figuratively). Even better then knowledge of good and evil is the knowledge of listening to your conscience. This basically means doing good.
So using those three factors lets move on.

Let’s start with a real life situation okay? Say your little brother just went into your room without telling you and not only messed it up, but also destroyed your favorite (insert item here). What would you do?
A) Break into his room while he’s at daycare and wreck his room then lie about it.
B) Break into his room and then tell your mom you did it because he did it to you.
C) Blame your sister and pick a fight with her.
D) Yell at him until he cries like the little baby he is.
E) Nothing
F) Warn him not to do it again then go back to life as usual.
Okay as usual everyone answered E or F huh? Moms probably watching too.
If you did then what would you do if he did it again? All too often we’re matched with problems like this. Even if we answer E or F we often end up doing something like A, B, C, or D.
What Ticks Parents Off

Here’s a list of things not to do:

1) Punch your sibling
2) Kick your sibling
3) Bite
4) Scream
5) Lie
6) Tattle
7) Blame
8) Shift the blame
9) Do something to get you and everyone else in trouble because you may think as long they hurt you can take it.
11)Tease your sibling
12)Say you’re joking when you insult someone.
14)Saying No to them
15)Running away
16)Squealing like a stuck pig
17)Thinking you can manipulate them
18)Saying you hate them
19)Saying you’ll kill yourself
20)Saying you’ll run away

This is a work in progress, as the goal was 1000 words. So far we have 443 Words
1,856 Characters (No Spaces)
2,296 Characters (With Spaces)
62 Lines
2 Pages
45 Paragraphs.
Good job Matt, 557 words to go.



Stay tuned for essays by Emily and Shannon.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Super Chicks, You Guys Rock! SSG Oz's Review: Music

Have you ever heard music that makes you stop, run over to the radio and turn it up?

Well this band just hits you hard and makes you love it.
I did some research on the net, and found this sample site. It has samples from their new album "Beauty from pain". Really cool stuff.

Hit the link above to hear samples of their new album

Well the next step was to read their bio. Cool again. These guys spent 18 months getting this together. Why haven't I heard of these guys? I listened to a few more songs, and again I heard another one on my computer linked KLove "radio". These guys rock, I thought, and surfed some more. I went to and saw that they had 4 albums. Don't tell the kids but I went ahead and bought all four albums.

(Hey kids, if you are reading this, put your fingers in your ears and hum for a minute, Hey look a chicken on the chandelier).
They should be getting them at home in two weeks. Don't worry Honey, I will take the money out of my $100 allowance and transfer it over. An early Chrissie present?

So you guys, let me know what you think. Hey kids you can stop humming now... Hey!!!, yes stop...Its getting annoying..Kids?!!!

Room Mates

I tell you. This trip to Germany has been a doozy. It would have been hard yakka, if not for my three, top-notch room mates, Big-Lovin, Kurt, and Arty. Special mention to Brian, who was here for a month, and who was one of the Volksmarch Hall of Famers.
I will start first with Big Lovin, or otherwise known as Rob. BL, is one of the most unique people who I have met on this trip, and one of the most genuine. We work opposite shifts, but occasionally we will touch base, and spend a few hours watching old "Lost" episodes, and cheering the Bills. (Don't ever put a Colts sticker on his car, even as a practical joke, not pretty!).
BL, a little ahead of me in years, always lands on his feet. He keeps us positive, and besides being fastidious, a clean freak, never complains. However if he gets quiet, or puts a trash can in front of your door to trip over, you quickly get the message that it is time to clean. Thanks Rob!

Curtis, the oldest I think, is a pretty quiet bloke, but also genuine. He likes his gear in order, but is generous if asked. We did the Nijmegin trip and train-up together (see previous post), together, the German Sports Badge, and made it home, minus a few toenails. The only fault is that he gets his own bathroom, but as he outranks me, I will let it pass. Curtis is definitely makes the Room-Mate Hall of Fame.

Arty is like Tigger, a very bouncy and genuine person, but has his own focus on what he wants and where he is going. We spent the first evening upon his arrival, discussing, politics, faith and girlfriends. He is a joker, but also can be quiet serious. One time we were biking down a road, and watched as we were passed by another bike rider, who zoomed pass. We let him get about 1/4 mile ahead, and then looked at each other, "Let's get him". We took off and chased him for 3 miles all the way back to this dude's German driveway. I think Arty has the skills to pay the bills. He would be a great actor, and has the ability to pull stuff out of the air that leaves you stunned.

This trip would have been impossible without the kind of day to day interaction that I have had with these guys. From
Volksmarches, Nijmegin, watching movies, buying cars, Going shopping, playing x-box. sight seeing, wine tasting. It all has been a kaleidoscope of memories and good experiences.
Thanks fellas. I promised that I would say something nice about you, now where is my $20 bucks. :)