Wednesday, October 26, 2005

4H, A Boys and Girls Club with Animals: The Hidden Treasure of America

Matt and his Grand Champion "Pavlova"

As the title suggests, 4H has to be among one of the greatest unknown treasures of American life. My 3 kids, though not always willing, have blossomed, borne fruit and grown under the tutelage of this program. In one word it is "Awesome". Kids, any kids can get into it and it becomes the foundation for a lot of learning, and life skills, as the children develop into accomplished individuals in a whole array of programs. My kids have initiated themselves into the artisans of swine showmanship, learning the fine art of manure shovelling to manipulating a 200 pound plus pig around a ring with 7-10 other 200 pound plus pigs. The money though not realistic, and often excessive, has given them incentive, as it does us all. Are we always willing to work for nothing? Isn't there a goal that drives us all?

Shannon and her 1st prize cake

Our pigs

Coupled with good money management, paying back expenses and making a mandatory 10% giving clause, which quickly becomes enthusiastically voluntary, when they choose their own charity, the 4H program has given us parents a well rehearsed and structured format to prepare our kids for the 21st century, plus remind them the value of the previous ones. So contact your local State Extension Office. You all have one, and find out where the closest one is to you. Even you city folks can have a rabbit or a dog, or maybe a guinea pig or three. Go to for more info.



The Jenson Brothers, fellow Garden Wall Club Members

Matt "presenting" himself and his pig in perfect fashion.

Emily, with eyes on the judge while manipulating her pig. She got a purple for showmanship.

Shannon, working her pig towards the judge.

Heidi and the kids, having fun while waiting for the results

Washing the pigs before the judging starts


Blogger ipodmomma said...

great pictures! I did 4-H as a kids... we had pigs too.. every end of May was spent at the Silver Dollar Fair in Chico, CA, and it was really a great experience...

I live in the UK now, and there is nothing similar to that here...

anyways, thanks for a little trip down memory lane...


2:50 PM  

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