Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Conversion of Robert Lake

This is my first attempt at "Bush Poetry" or verse outside song lyrics. I tried fitting it to a melody, but I think I will just leave it.

The Conversion of Robert Lake

I was driving on the interstate about four hours after dark
Doing ‘bout eighty miles per hour in my eighteen wheeler truck.
Just then my lights went out and suddenly I couldn’t see,
So I prayed Dear God I need you now to make a believer out of me

Just then a bolt of lightning lit up that southern sky,
Shooting off fireworks like it was the fourth day of July.
I could see for miles around and a truck stop to my right
So I pulled on over and caught my breath and fixed those pesky lights

Now I thought that this was just a coincidence of the normal kind
And that he lightning was only just playing tricks with my sleepy mind
So I shrugged it off and drove like I didn’t have a care
And after another thousand miles, I forgot all about that prayer.

About midnight on that same interstate, I came upon a pass,
Three thousand feet straight down on the southern side, the road shiny as glass
I pumped my brakes but they gave out, heck we were rolling free
So I prayed Dear God you don’t have much time, to make a believer out of me

I’ve never been religious since I moved away
But I can still hear those words my Grandma used to say
Robert Lake, don’t you forget what Jesus did for you
And he will help you when you pray if you ask him to

Right then I was praying hard as my heart skipped a beat
Pounding hard on the brakes, useless beneath my feet
Suddenly to my left came a familiar sight
A bolt of lightning lit up the sky and the mountain piled in white

The crack of thunder split the air ringing like a shot
And with a roar that wall of snow, shook loose and took off
Right in front of my truck as I ploughed through wide and deep
It slowed my descent to a crawl and then I began to weep

I slid out from my truck shaken by my flight,
When I saw a man floating in the air his robes the purest white
A voice like honey gently spoke as I fell down to my knees
He said, Robert Lake how many miracles will it take, for you to believe in me?


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