Tuesday, October 25, 2005

How TO Treat Others. A memory blank by Emily R. *twitch* *twitch*, and our Japanese Anime Family

Raising Kids isn't easy, but it has it fun moments, especially in ten years I can bring up old photos and essays like this. Emily, you did good. Maybe you could be a little more remorseful, but you hit the main points. I've added some Anime pics that Emily put together to represent our family

How TO Treat Others.
I could tell you how to treat other in a short and simple way of maybe one or two sentences. WELL, TOO BAD! You get to sit and listen to me drone! Being nice to others is boring but the right thing to do. And to be nice to others you must have manners. Like saying please and thank you, paying attention to someone talking, and good table manners... well maybe not the table manners so much. ^-^. We should get along because we have to and because it is the right thing to do. Like when you live in a house with really annoying people the best thing is to be polite even if they’re not. We would
Usually just like to attack the people and say we “snapped” but that is we I said “we should” not “we do”. Now I’ll show you examples:

Ex1: Your roommates are really loud and play their music all night long.
What we want to do: Break their CD player.
What we should do: Calmly ask them to turn it down.
Like I said, BORING! The breaking would be so much Fun! But noooooo. We have to be nice!

Ex2: Your sister calls you fat.
What we want to do: Call her fat and laugh about it with a friend.
What we should do: Tell mom so she gets in trouble for making you feel bad... Just kidding.*cough* *cough* Tell her not to say that.

Everyone has a different way of dealing with problems. My sister does two things, Cry to mom or yell and hit. My brother, Get mad and yell. Me, I just have passive resistance. That means I’m a lump that won’t move. Lucky me. But none of these things are good we should just work the problem out with...w...I can’t say it...t... taking. Which no one wants to do. Thus we fight and drive our mother crazy. Like one time my sister, Shannon, came into the room and demand I draw a picture for her. Naturally, I said no. I’m not a walking mall cartoonist. But I said it calmly and quietly. Then she gets mad. She asks me over and over again with the same answer. No. She slams doors and threatens to delete my entire picture. While this is happening, I’m getting madder and madder. Finally I went to mom. She wasn’t happy. So going to your mother isn’t

the best thing either. Now another you need to know is that
Telling you dad is a one way ticket to a half an hour lecture on behavior. Seriously. And your parents never come up with different lectures. Once dad was telling me about the “Triangle” The one with God at the top and you are your partner at the bottom. Ya? Well I heard mom telling Shannon the EXACT same thing. Is it like, programmed, into them? Maybe. Anyway, this now finishes my 500 word essay. Thank you. Ok, this is 509 words.


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