Saturday, October 22, 2005

Room Mates

I tell you. This trip to Germany has been a doozy. It would have been hard yakka, if not for my three, top-notch room mates, Big-Lovin, Kurt, and Arty. Special mention to Brian, who was here for a month, and who was one of the Volksmarch Hall of Famers.
I will start first with Big Lovin, or otherwise known as Rob. BL, is one of the most unique people who I have met on this trip, and one of the most genuine. We work opposite shifts, but occasionally we will touch base, and spend a few hours watching old "Lost" episodes, and cheering the Bills. (Don't ever put a Colts sticker on his car, even as a practical joke, not pretty!).
BL, a little ahead of me in years, always lands on his feet. He keeps us positive, and besides being fastidious, a clean freak, never complains. However if he gets quiet, or puts a trash can in front of your door to trip over, you quickly get the message that it is time to clean. Thanks Rob!

Curtis, the oldest I think, is a pretty quiet bloke, but also genuine. He likes his gear in order, but is generous if asked. We did the Nijmegin trip and train-up together (see previous post), together, the German Sports Badge, and made it home, minus a few toenails. The only fault is that he gets his own bathroom, but as he outranks me, I will let it pass. Curtis is definitely makes the Room-Mate Hall of Fame.

Arty is like Tigger, a very bouncy and genuine person, but has his own focus on what he wants and where he is going. We spent the first evening upon his arrival, discussing, politics, faith and girlfriends. He is a joker, but also can be quiet serious. One time we were biking down a road, and watched as we were passed by another bike rider, who zoomed pass. We let him get about 1/4 mile ahead, and then looked at each other, "Let's get him". We took off and chased him for 3 miles all the way back to this dude's German driveway. I think Arty has the skills to pay the bills. He would be a great actor, and has the ability to pull stuff out of the air that leaves you stunned.

This trip would have been impossible without the kind of day to day interaction that I have had with these guys. From
Volksmarches, Nijmegin, watching movies, buying cars, Going shopping, playing x-box. sight seeing, wine tasting. It all has been a kaleidoscope of memories and good experiences.
Thanks fellas. I promised that I would say something nice about you, now where is my $20 bucks. :)



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