Monday, October 31, 2005

How to Use Your Time Properly For School; Another Essay by Matthew,

*This will teach you how to use your time wisely. 7th Grade can be a silent killer for the unexpecting! Just like 6th Grade except trouble is a lot more obvious. Just like my last guide I will break this into parts. *NOTE: This is based on MY school.

I: Introduction/Thesis
II: Math
III: Science
IV: English / Language Arts
V: Geography / Social Studies
VI: Part 2 ~ Getting Caught Up
VII: Planning Ahead
VIII: Cheats ~ Codes, Tricks, Glitches, and Guides.
XI: Temptation
X: Conclusion
XI: Credits


What to know: Math in 7th Grade can be tough. It is full of vast and endless numbers. The work seems endless!

Advice: No matter what always keep hacking away at it. You will eventually finish that 80 problem worksheet filled with problems you’ve never seen before, or that hard 30 problem assignment due in less than an hour after you get it with even less time to work on it! Always have a good reference. If you have an Accelerated Math assignment (Like Me [Also known as that 30 problem assignment mentioned above]) it is smart to write down the problems you get wrong and the correct answer for future reference!

AM (Accelerated Math): This can be a real pain. If you get behind one of these it takes quadruple the effort to get back to being caught up! See “Getting Caught Up” for advice!


What to Know: Science is pretty laid back at my school for the most part. It has its hard and easy parts.

Advice: WATCH OUT FOR CELLS AND HERDITARY SECTIONS! These can be really annoying. Outlines are really, really, hard sometimes when combined with questions and four chapters! Always try to do your best and stay caught up! Do this and you should be fine! You can easily fall behind when you’re not careful, so do your best. Watch out for big projects as you may think you have all the time in the world… until the last day.

Projects: These can be a pain so all you have to do is plan! Make sure you do a certain amount each day to get it done. Don’t be lazy and wait to the last day. Don’t hurry or you’ll miss ideas you might get. Don’t be a procrastinator and put it off. You may think in your head. “Yawn” I don’t have all of my stuff yet just 90%. I’ll do it tomorrow.

English / Language Arts

What to Know: Um, the name says it all! It’s English. You write reports and study and read books to study and do reports on!

Advice: Watch out for essays! You may think you’re the best typer in the world, but don’t put off work until the last minute. you may want to work on your typing skills too in this class too. It helps. This class can be pretty laid back as well.

Essays: Watch out sometimes these or book reports can be dangerous. Just have good spelling and grammar and usage and punctuation and sight and hearing and typing skills and blah blah!

Geography / Social Studies

What to Know: In Geography you can end up behind because you just sit and barely show any enthusiasm. You should be asking questions coming up with news stories and drawing political cartoons to gain extra credit. This is a class of maps, history, and political views. Sort of like debate class, eh?

Advice: In my class cartoons get you extra credit so bring them and draw them! Do that and pay attention by the bags of gold! $.$
That should get you a nice participation and EX credit bonus. On top of that you should ace the tests! STUDY!!!! Studying is good!

Getting Caught Up

To get caught up is not an easy thing! It takes a lot of patience and even more effort! It’s not a very fun thing either! You should work at it without stopping and try to get a lot of rest for your body.
If you don’t you may eventually fall asleep on your homework and wake to find it drenched with drool! You should always put in a lot of effort not to get to this stage because it’s sort of like going through bankruptcy. You can’t get out of it easily, a lot of people are mad, and you crash and burn.

Planning Ahead

To be short and simple: Eat healthy, sleep well, put in your best effort, and always stay on top. This should keep you from being overwhelmed and let you stay on top while being fit and healthy. This may seem nerdy now, but wait until you’re 42… that jock over there will be an employee at some small restaurant and you’ll be his smart, kind boss who still remembers the guy who made his life miserable… :.: Always stay on top and never fall behind should be your motto.

Cheats ~ Codes, Tricks, Glitches, and Guides

GOTCHA! Yeah! I bet you turned here first just to see if I wasn’t talking nonsense. The cold hard truth is that there is no easy way out! Yes! That’s right ha ha ha!


NEVER put something off that isn’t do for a day! This leads to the “bankruptcy” of your report card!


All in all. To summarize this entire essay! You should plan ahead, stay caught up, put in your best effort, and stay healthy!


Thanks to my dad AKA “The OverSeer”! For the idea!

This essay is ©Copyright Matthew R. October 30, 2005.
If you are going to reproduce this in any way! (Quotes included) You MUST give me credit or we’ll have a nice little chat about laws… Also, If I see this on a pay site I will be ticked…
As you can see from the above, Matt was given a little corrective assignment to help inspire him to turn in his Science assignments. Seventh grade is tough, but hopefully, this will help him focus his time better.
The Overeer


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