Saturday, December 03, 2005

THE NANNY - Chapter one A Story by Emily

Daniel Tynerial stood atop the fake, plastic hill of the amusement park ride called Army Shells. In the ride toy soldiers shot at each other with small guns. Daniel was on the ride with his 50 year old nanny, Ms. Kendal, when he climbed up onto the ride’s bank and grabbed one of the guns and started shooting the other toys. This was extremely childish, something a five year old does because he doesn’t know better. That is true, the only problem is the Daniel is eleven years old and knew he would get in trouble. In fact that is why he did it.

Hours later, in the Park’s security room, Daniel sat on a bench waiting for his father who was talking to Ms. Kendal. Neither voice sounded happy. Suddenly, after a loud boom from a slammed door, Daniel’s father walked calmly into the room. Mr. Tynerial’s face held no emotion, yet Daniel could tell his father was angry. "This is the twentieth nanny you have managed to cause to quit. "I’m very disappointed in you Daniel." Daniel shrugged and looked down at the floor. "As if that’s not enough, this is the twelfth theme park you’ve been kicked out of!" Daniel didn’t move or talk. After five minutes of silence, Mr. Tynerial opened the door. "The limo is waiting. Don’t wait for me. I have to cover this up." Daniel quietly rose and walked out to his father’s limo. Daniel’s father was the owner and head of a huge and successful computer company and never had the time for his only son. After Daniel’s mother died in a car wreck, his father and Daniel grew more and more apart..................................................................

Daniel sat, swinging his legs over the beautiful pond, outside his father’s huge, million dollar mansion. A loud clang caught his attention to the front gate. A young, woman in her early twenties walked to the double doors of the mansion. Figuring her to be a business partner or something he ignored her and continue to skip rocks. He was only mildly surprised to be called into his father’s study, but wasn’t fazed by the young woman from earlier in the room also. "Daniel, meet your new nanny." Daniel stared at the young girl in front of him. "Was he kidding?" Daniel thought to himself, "She’s young enough to be my sister!" Out loud, he said, "Hello, Miss...?" the woman smiled. " Sara Belnet." Daniel nodded. "Well Miss Belnet..." Sara cut him off. "Sara. Just Sara." Daniel stared at her for a moment. No one had ever asked him to call them by their first name before. "Ok...Sara. I hope you like it here." And with that he turned and went to wait in the hall. Of course all that "hope you like it here" junk was for his father. He planed to scare off this nanny as fast as all the rest. Daniel sat down and listened to the two talking in the next room. "You realize, Miss Belnet, that you are taking on a big job here." Sara’s answer was almost directly after that. "How much trouble could one boy be?" Daniel smiled and said softly to himself, "Famous last words."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great opening. I can't wait to find out what happens with Sara and Daniel. When is the next installment?

2:26 PM  

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