Sunday, November 06, 2005

Family Rules and Expectations

lot of people say you shouldn't discipline your kids, but I say it is good to give them rules, so that they can learn the consequences of good behavior verse bad behavior. We sat down as a family and made a list of expectations that were fair and gave them consequences if those expectations were not met. We are fair parents. Kids can't be perfect all the time, but at the same time we are not doing them a service if we don't teach them how to function properly in our family as well as in our society. Think of all the people in prison right now who somewhere in their life made a poor decision or series of bad judgements that ultimately led to their incarcination. Rules have their place but ultimately it comes down to our choice wether we obey them, and if we are willing to accept the outcome that will follow.

Family Expectations

A. Shower every day by 8:00 p.m.
B. Extra time (beyond the regular one hour allotted to you) on any electronic device can only be earned by fresh air and exercise. A half hour walk = one hour of earned time, etc.
C. Clean your bedroom and bathroom. Inspections will be on Sunday nights.
D. In bed by 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, or 10:00 p.m. on weekends.
E. Out of bed at least 45 minutes before you have to leave. Manage your own time. If you are still in bed past the set time, a glass of water will be poured on you (you must wash your own sheets).

A. Have a good attitude
-no excuses when you are in trouble (just admit you were wrong and take responsibility for your actions)
-no grumbling
-no angry looks
*Silence is good.
B. Finish your homework
-finish homework right after school every day
-bring home everything you need to work on, plus assignment sheets and journal
C. Grades
-a "C" or below means no friends and no privileges until the grades are all at least "B"s
-a "D" or "F" will require additional, more drastic measures (to be decided later)
D. No music or lights on in bedrooms after 9:00 p.m.
E. Treat your siblings with respect. Absolutely no jokes or sarcastic remarks at their expense.

A. Chores must be done daily. If you don't know your chore, ask.
B. Animals must be fed before you are fed.
C. Extra chores may be assigned on weekends. (See 2A above)

A. Obey everyone in authority over you without question.
B. Be truthful at all times.

Family Plan

1. Each day you will get a checkmark for any infractions to the above expectations.
2. Checkmarks cost 50 cents.
3. If you have 3 days during the week with at least 1 checkmark, you will spend Saturday without any electronic devices or friends.
4. If you have 5 days during the week with at least 1 checkmark, you will spend Sunday the same way.
5. No earning back privileges. (See 2A above - get over it and drive on)
6. Saturday is the first day of the week for this. (A checkmark on the weekend counts for the next week)
7. We will try not to yell at you when you are in trouble, but you will still be punished. :-)
8. Family game nights are on Saturdays, all are expected to attend.
9. If we have a family mealtime, you are expected to be there on time.
10. The above rules may be suspended upon occasion, with advance permission. If our answer is no, see 2A above.


Blogger Austin of Sundrip said...

knowing when to start and stop doesn't restrict, it lets you move about the boundries more freely.
good job Army guy!


7:44 PM  

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