Sunday, December 18, 2005

Poems of Tears; A Collection of Poems by Emily on Life, Death and War

Slowly as the snowflakes fall,

yet another bird makes one last call.
Snowladen branches waving in the breeze,
The faded grass waiting for the freeze.
Sunlight fading,
Darkness growing,
The church bells have ceased ringing.
Cold winter nights, curled by a fire,
Our need to be close is growing dire.
Every book, twice, we've read,
We're tired of laying in bed.
Once it's started, we wish it only to stop.
Where hats adorn every top.
Cars and slush,
Snowballs of mush,
Voices carry through the hush.
No birds singing,
Only sleigh bells ringing.
Winter comes and goes,
But we feel it through our toes.

What is Death?
Death is a blessing and a curse.

full of nothing like a hole in a broken heart,
and full of everything like a woman's purse.
Death may find you wherever you go.
No one can hide,
No one is safe.
But safe from what?
What is death?
A blessing the old and sick,
Who have waited so patiently.
A curse to the young and sound,
Who have so much to live for.
Death is a tool to the evil,
and a puzzle to the good.
What is death?
It is a cycle,
As is life.
Moon and Sun.
Night and Day.
Good and Evil
Water and Land
Light and Dark
Life and Death.
It will go on forever,
and forever we die.

You hurry,

but it comes faster.
You fall,
but they don't stop.
Your small band of seventeen doesn't have time to help a child.
They're running for their lives.
You hide among the roots of an old tree,
waiting desperately for the end.
Heavy breathing is coming closer.
You close your eyes,
The hot breath is on your face.
You open your eyes.
It's a dog,
cold and alone.
You hug it to yourself,
Relief flooding your veins.
You hear gunshots and the screams of those who left you behind.
Once again you wait for death.
But the soldiers move away.
The dog has saved your life.

It is both neat and scary to read these poems. Neat to see Emily changing, and scary to see Emily changing. I like how she puts feeling into tragedy and death, two sad occurences that we will all one day face.


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