My Family

This is an update on my crew, including the family pets.
- Heidi, married to me for 15 years. A saint. Works as a CPA, likes to swim, watch movies, read, hike in the woods. Has a cool elephant collection. Was the National Gelbvieh Ambassador" in 1987. Is a great Mum (Mom), also a talented dog groomer, and took Judo as a kid.
- Emily, the oldest at 13. Born a cat, is a very talented cartoonist, and especially likes to draw Japanese Anime. She is an up and coming novelist, likes to read, especially Harry Potter and the Narnia Chronicles. Enjoys horses, taking care of animals, and listening to music. She won a purple ribbon for hog showmanship this summer. She wants to be either a vet or a teacher when she gets older.
- Matthew, 12. He likes any type of video game, especially Tony Hawk, and has played Age of the Empires since second grade. He loves his cats, and is sad after we lost Max to a coyote a year ago. He likes to collect foreign money, and is an avid saver. Matt too is an excellent reader, and excells in school. He has played baseball, and is involved in 4H where he got Grand Champion for his Pavlova, and a blue ribbon for showmanship. Matt hasn't decided what he wants to be when he grows up, but we think either a banker or the next Bill Gates.says he wants to be a chief software designer.
- Shannon, 10. A tough kid. Didn't flinch on riding the roller coasters this summer. Goes to Twae Kwando lessons, and is learning the trumpet. Is a Daddy's girl. Wants to play sports this year. She is doing well in school and likes showing her animals in the 4H also, and has many ribbons. She collects dolls and stuffed toys. She is excellent with animals and may want to be a vet also
- Our pets
- Barley, an English Springer. A four-year old in a dog suit
- Molly, a chocolate lab. A great bear tracker
- Sarah, a wheaton/chow, also good at tracking bears.
- Stella, an arab gelding
- Bandit, Stormy, Cleo and Moggy, the cat crew
- Sugie, a Sugar glider
- Ghost, the portuguise fighting fish
- Pixie, the rabbit
- Ducks and Chickens
I am no glutton!!!
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