Wednesday, October 05, 2005

THE LONG ROAD HOME, One Step At A Time, A Doonesbury Book

Q. What does Denzel Washington and Doonesbury have in common?

A. Besides starting with "D", they are both strong supporters of the Fisher House.

Fisher House is a housing complex at Millitary Hospitals, for family members of wounded and critically ill soldiers.

Denzel Washington, while on a tour of one such facility, asked how much it cost to build. He then pulled out his checkbook and wrote a check on the spot to the tune of several million dollars.

G.B Trudeau the author of Doonesbury and a political cartoonist/satirist, donated the full proceeds from his book "The Long Way Home" to benefit the Fisher House organisation. This is a review of his cartoon book.

Trudeau gives an in depth look into the healing process of one soldier named BD, who as a National Guardsmen, lost his leg in a rocket attack. From his first moments bleeding in the dust of Iraq, to his family preparing their house for his arrival home, this insightful, and engaging book examines the mental and physical effects of each stage of the "Long Road" to recovery.

This is an excerpt from the book jacket.

"BD's inspiring, insightful and darkly humorous story confirms thatit takes a ward to get a soldier back on his feet, especially when one of them is titanium..."

Some people I have met say that it is frivolous and demeaning for a soldier to read a cartoon making light of a tragic situation. I strongly disagree, and believe that humor is the best medicine, and to see the whole picture can only help prepare the person for some big bumps ahead.
It is not a crime to gently prepare a person for bad experiences. I remember when my daughterwas 18 months old, and was getting a shot in her leg. The doctor gave her a lollipop before the injection. She started to cry when the needle hit, but then remembered her candy, and stopped. I would rather know that the path ahead was managable before venturing down it, especially if I had no choice. I don't like rollercoasters much, but seeing people safe, and laughing when they get off as I am getting on, makes the pending journey a little less scary.

I believe that Trudeau wrote this book to truly support these young people and their families on their own roller coaster ride to healing. He is definately liberal , and if his cartoons are any indication, not a real fan of the current government, but again it was refreshing to see that he is Truly American when it comes to representing the human side of war.

My hat goes off to him and again I will salute him for his Patriotism, and especially for his support of Fisher House and our Troops. Thanks Mr Trudeau and Mr. Washington. You guys are Heroes too!


Go to to find out more about obtaining a copy, and visit my links to learn about "Fisher House".


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